دسترسی به محتوای اصلی

چهلمین سالگرد انتخاب فرانسوا میتران

FILE - In this Oct. 16, 1984 file photo, French President Francois Mitterrand gives a joint press conference with the Hungarian Communist Party leader Janos Kadar held at the Elysee Palace, Paris. A commission that spent nearly two years uncovering France's role in 1994's Rwandan genocide concluded Friday, March 26, 2021 that the country reacted too slowly in appreciating the extent of the horror that left over 800,000 dead and bears "heavy and overwhelming responsibilities" in the drift that led to the killings, but cleared the country of any complicity in the slaughter that mainly targeted Rwanda's Tutsi ethnic minority. (AP Photo/William Stevens, File)
FILE - In this Oct. 16, 1984 file photo, French President Francois Mitterrand gives a joint press conference with the Hungarian Communist Party leader Janos Kadar held at the Elysee Palace, Paris. A commission that spent nearly two years uncovering France's role in 1994's Rwandan genocide concluded Friday, March 26, 2021 that the country reacted too slowly in appreciating the extent of the horror that left over 800,000 dead and bears "heavy and overwhelming responsibilities" in the drift that led to the killings, but cleared the country of any complicity in the slaughter that mainly targeted Rwanda's Tutsi ethnic minority. (AP Photo/William Stevens, File) AP - William Stevens
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