دسترسی به محتوای اصلی

پایان بی نتیجۀ دور جدید مذاکرات

(L to R) The head of Afghanistan's High Council for National Reconciliation Abdullah Abdullah shakes hands with the leader of the Taliban negotiating team Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar during the final declaration of the peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban in Qatar's capital Doha on July 18, 2021. Representatives of the Afghan government and Taliban insurgents held talks in Doha as violence raged in their country with foreign forces almost entirely withdrawn. The two sides have been meeting on and off for months in the Qatari capital, but the talks have lost momentum as the insurgents made battlefield gains.
(L to R) The head of Afghanistan's High Council for National Reconciliation Abdullah Abdullah shakes hands with the leader of the Taliban negotiating team Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar during the final declaration of the peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban in Qatar's capital Doha on July 18, 2021. Representatives of the Afghan government and Taliban insurgents held talks in Doha as violence raged in their country with foreign forces almost entirely withdrawn. The two sides have been meeting on and off for months in the Qatari capital, but the talks have lost momentum as the insurgents made battlefield gains. AFP - KARIM JAAFAR
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