دسترسی به محتوای اصلی

بحران اقتصادی در افغانستان و نگرانی از بروز فاجعه انسانی در این کشور

An internally displaced Afghan girl is pictured at a camp in Kabul on October 11, 2011. Despite massive injections of foreign aid since the fall of the Taliban in 2001, Afghanistan remains desperately poor with the lowest living standards in the world. AFP PHOTO/ ADEK BERRY (Photo by Adek BERRY / AFP)
An internally displaced Afghan girl is pictured at a camp in Kabul on October 11, 2011. Despite massive injections of foreign aid since the fall of the Taliban in 2001, Afghanistan remains desperately poor with the lowest living standards in the world. AFP PHOTO/ ADEK BERRY (Photo by Adek BERRY / AFP) AFP - ADEK BERRY
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