دسترسی به محتوای اصلی

دیدبان حقوق بشر: طالبان در پنجشیر، مردم محل را به‌گونه دسته‌جمعی مجازات و شکنجه می‌کنند

Taliban fighters stand in front of a bakery as a poster of late Afghan Mujahideen leader Ahmad Shah Massoud is seen, at a market area in Khenj district, on September 15, 2021, days after the hardline Islamist group announced the capture of the last province resisting to their rule. - Under Massoud, the Panjshir fighters earned a legendary reputation for resistance, defending their mountain homes first from the Soviet military for a decade, then throughout a civil war, then the last Taliban regime from 1996-2001. (Photo by WAKIL KOHSAR / AFP)
Taliban fighters stand in front of a bakery as a poster of late Afghan Mujahideen leader Ahmad Shah Massoud is seen, at a market area in Khenj district, on September 15, 2021, days after the hardline Islamist group announced the capture of the last province resisting to their rule. - Under Massoud, the Panjshir fighters earned a legendary reputation for resistance, defending their mountain homes first from the Soviet military for a decade, then throughout a civil war, then the last Taliban regime from 1996-2001. (Photo by WAKIL KOHSAR / AFP) AFP - WAKIL KOHSAR
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